
Restoring Sensitivity & Positive Self-Image

Over time, the aging process and going through childbirth can take a toll on the appearance and feeling of your genitalia. Many women find that they not only lose sensitivity but also muscle tone, leading to a droopy look and feel. Whether you are concerned about the way your labia look or feel, our labiaplasty procedure may be a fitting solution.

Rejuvenating the Appearance of Your Labia

The labiaplasty procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia in the safety of our office. During this time, we reshape your labia for aesthetic purposes or to improve any anomalies, such as prolapsed labia.

In addition to performing this procedure to improve the appearance of your labia, we also use this type of plastic surgery to help women who have been affected by injury or disease. Once you have healed post-procedure, you will likely experience increased sensation, decreased discomfort, and an improved appearance.

Determining Candidacy for Labiaplasty

There are many different reasons why your labia may have become enlarged or misshapen. If you are not happy with the look or feel of your labia, you may be curious about whether a labiaplasty procedure in Newport Beach is right for you. We help women to achieve a more youthful appearance from the aging process, childbirth, and congenital conditions.

There are many benefits to undergoing a labiaplasty, including:

– Improving sexual satisfaction and sensation
– Reducing pain experienced during sexual activity
– Relieve overall discomfort caused by abrasive rubbing
– Boost self-confidence during sexual activity or intimacy
– Improve the overall appearance of your vulva
I would like to personally write and express my gratitude towards Dr. Hashemi, as he is one of the most sensitive and patient Dr that I have EVER met!

Dr. Hashemi performed a Labiaplasty surgery on me the date of 8/4/17. I have interviewed several Dr's prior to meeting Dr. Hashemi this past August and I was drawn immediately to his concern for my goal and his desire to accomplish what 'I' specifically wanted.

The Labiaplasty surgery came out perfect!! Better than I had hoped for and I had a minimal amount of pain and the recovery seemed to fly by. The greatest discomfort was the natural itching sensation for about 5-7 days.

I would 1000% recommend Dr. Hashemi to anyone looking for a alteration or upgrade to their Labia or any other feminine change that you desire. Dr. Hashemi changed the way I looked after having four children, with a natural birth delivery to the way I had felt I looked prior to my children.

I am SO happy!!
Former Patient
